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Why Life Insurance is Important in India
Life Insurance

Why Life Insurance is Important in India

Every person in India likes to have life insurance coverage as it is the best way to protect you and your family. However, the importance of life insurance in India cannot be explained in some words. It provides immiscible protection to the family and insured in need and fulfills financial needs even after the insured’s demise. If you know, you’ve something which can protect you from difficulties. You’ll eventually get relieved and live your life to the fullest. In this article, we will talk about why life insurance is important in India, the importance of life insurance in points, etc.

What is a Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance is an agreement made by the individual and the banks. In this agreement, the insured is protected from all mishaps to him or his family. Life insurance provides a life – long protection to the family from any accident, disability, etc. However, in any case, if the insured dies right before the policy’s maturity, then all the policy payments will be provided to the insured’s family. However, this money can be used to fulfill their essential needs and demands. Life insurance is important in India and protects your family even in your absence. Let’s discuss more why life insurance is important in India.

Reasons to Buy a Life Insurance Policy in India

Life insurance is essential for protecting the financial interests of your loved ones. As the primary provider, purchasing life insurance ensures that your family will be taken care of in the event of your untimely demise. It provides a financial safety net that pays off debts, allowing them to maintain their lifestyle, and meet essential expenses. Additionally, life insurance helps secure future goals such as funding education, covering wedding expenses, and ensuring a comfortable retirement for your spouse.

How to Buy Life Insurance?

Undoubtedly, life insurance is important in India nowadays to fulfill your dreams and provide you protection from any accident, etc. life is uncertain, and living in a country like India where thousands of accidents occur every day, it is necessary to have a support system for our precious life. However, many people are interested in having one. But if you’re looking for an appropriate time to move out to buy one. So now here is some good news for you. Now you don’t have to go to any bank to buy life insurance; you can easily visit the website online with just one click. They even tell about the importance of life insurance in points. The steps to purchase life insurance online are as follows:

  1. Visit any official website of your desired bank.
  2. Fill out the application form with all the essential details such as age, gender, income, etc.
  3. You can compare various plans to get the best one for you.
  4. Select the recommended plan with the premium quota that tells about the importance of life insurance in points
  5. After completing all the formalities now, you can pay for your chosen plan.

Types of Life Insurance Policy in India

There are a variety of types of life insurance policies available in the market. However, the first thing that arises is why life insurance is important in India and which one to choose. So here are different types of life insurance policies which tell you about the 5 importance of life insurance 

1. Term Life Insurance

A term insurance policy is for a particular term period, and once the term period gets over, the plan also gets terminated.

2. Whole Life Insurance

This life insurance policy is to cover the life of the insured. It is applicable for the whole life of the person, and it only gets terminated when the insured dies or the plan matures.

3. Unit-linked Life Insurance

Unit-linked life insurance is applicable for particular or sometimes concerning corporate purposes.

4. Endowment Life Insurance

In the endowment life insurance, the person is provided with the sum assured and the attractive return on the policy.

5. Child Life Insurance

The child life insurance policy covers the children’s future and life. It also helps to fulfill their long-term financial needs in your absence.

Know why Life Insurance is Important in India

Here are 5 importance of life insurance in India which tells us about why life insurance is important in India;

1. Long-term Financial Goals

Among the 5 importance of life insurance in India, financial goals are essential. Life insurance plans are important to provide support to your long-term financial needs. People often opt for life insurance as it makes their dream of big financial goals into reality. Moreover, you can save money, which is essential in fulfilling all your needs. This is why life insurance is important in India

2. Protect the Child’s Future

The prime importance of life insurance in points is that life insurance protects the insured of the plan and the life of the insured’s children from any uncertain situation like death, accident, etc. If you’re worried about your children’s future and their dreams, then it’s high time to opt for life insurance because it will help brighten their future and fulfill all their goals and there is various importance of life insurance in points. For many people, this is the most essential 5 important of life insurance in India.

3. Loans and Liabilities

People also wonder why life insurance is important in India for loans and Liabilities. One of the reasons to buy life insurance is that it protects loans and liabilities. If you’ve taken a loan, it’s a good idea to purchase life insurance as well, as it will help bear the load of the loan in the absence of the insured. If the family cannot pay for the loan after the insured’s demise, then an assured payment amount is provided which can be used for debt payment. However, it will help you for waiving off all the liabilities.

4. Child’s Education Planning

If you’re a parent worried about your children’s future, it is high time to buy life insurance plans. This is why life insurance is important in India according to financial experts. They will help you to have enough wealth which can be used to turn your children’s dreams into reality. It covers education and other considerable expenses in your absence. However, in any case, if the insured dies, then all the money will be provided to the nominee in the Lump sum amount.

5. Retirement Planning

If you’re about to retire and you do not want to get dependent on anyone, then life insurance plans are for you. If you are wondering why life insurance is important in India for retired people, it helps you provide financial support to you and your partner after retirement. You can enjoy your life without any worry because you’ll get a cover which will bear all your financial needs. 


Life insurance is important in India as it helps us to get protection from all kinds of trouble related to death. Here we have discussed the 5 importance of life insurance in India. With life insurance, you do not have to worry about yourself and your family, as it will also bear your long-term financial needs. There are various online life insurance companies in India that will make buying life insurance easier for you. Moreover, different life insurance policies are available on these websites, you can choose one according to your requirements. Hope now you know very well why life insurance is important in India.

Why Life Insurance is Important in India – FAQs

Please explain why life insurance is important in India.

Ans. Life insurance is important in India because it helps us to protect ourselves for a lifetime. Also, in your absence, your family can avoid problems regarding their future and other expenses.

Who is the inheritor of a life insurance policy?

Ans. A life insurance inheritor is the person who will be provided all the compensation funds after the death of the insured. The beneficiary can be anyone, like a family member, friend, etc.

Who needs life insurance?

Ans. Usually, life insurance benefits small business owners, parents with jobs, stay-at-home parents, single parents, single people without children, and empty nesters.

Is life insurance fixed rate?

Ans. Whole life insurance usually has a fixed premium. However, if we talk about other plans, then they may vary. You have to pay this premium on a monthly or half-yearly basis.

Who is the father of life insurance?

Ans. The father of life insurance is Eliza Wright. He belongs to America and he got the idea of launching life insurance in the 19th century.


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